Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bikram Yoga

Imagine sitting in a room that is full of sweating people, and the space is intentionally overheated. At first I thought this ways just way too much sweat dripped and flicked around a bunch of people who you have never seen in your life or might pass in the office Monday thru Friday.

The part I hated most about my Bikram yoga experience was towards the end, when you lie down and have to tuck your slimy wet legs to your chest and wrap your slippery wet arms around your wet legs. Forget an easy holding pose, when you have been sweating for almost an hour and are so wet that your fingers are starting to prune up!

Bikram or On fire yoga is ideally practiced at 105 degrees F with 26 postures and two breathing exercises, and the classes are around 90 minutes. This vigorous yoga session with insanely hot temps promote profuse sweating…making you feel like a wet slimy fish that becomes more and more flexible through the class as your body melts away all toxins and melts away at your muscles.

I do have to say after the class I felt very rejuvenated…I felt high and was moving in slow motion. Feeling restored and great, as I though every muscle, joint and organ in my body had been replaced and was brand new.

After my love and hate experience on Saturday I decide I am going to continue…I’m going to start out going once to twice a week. You might be asking yourself why I like to torture myself so much…it’s quite simple…we always yearn to feel to feel calm, loose and energized. This is the way I felt after the class, not to mention more powerful and for the rest of the day I was standing straight rather than hunched over as though I am typing on a computer 24 hours a day!

I will continue this punishment, and keep you posted…maybe in a few months I will be able to touch my toes with out bending my legs. I haven’t been able to touch my toes since sixth grade, lets just say I have always preferred wrecking my body biking and running and never taking the time to stretch.

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